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ConvNet (CNN) model

The current model architecture is quite simple but effective. It just consists of a few CNN layers with several output heads. See cnn_ocr_model for implementation details.

The model output consists of several heads. Each head represents the prediction of a character of the plate. If the plate consists of 7 characters at most (max_plate_slots=7), then the model would have 7 heads.

Example of Argentinian plates:

Model head

Each head will output a probability distribution over the vocabulary specified during training. So the output prediction for a single plate will be of shape (max_plate_slots, vocabulary_size).

Model Metrics

During training, you will see the following metrics

  • plate_acc: Compute the number of license plates that were fully classified. For a single plate, if the ground truth is ABC123 and the prediction is also ABC123, it would score 1. However, if the prediction was ABD123, it would score 0, as not all characters were correctly classified.

  • cat_acc: Calculate the accuracy of individual characters within the license plates that were correctly classified. For example, if the correct label is ABC123 and the prediction is ABC133, it would yield a precision of 83.3% (5 out of 6 characters correctly classified), rather than 0% as in plate_acc, because it's not completely classified correctly.

  • top_3_k: Calculate how frequently the true character is included in the top-3 predictions (the three predictions with the highest probability).